Our country since the 1960's has struggled to provide the uninsured, Undocumented and the poor with decent psychiatric care. In the article adapted from NewsWeek "The Woman Who Died in the Waiting Room." By Jeneen Interlandi. There was a patient by the name of Esmin Green who died in the waiting room of Broolyns largest psychiatric hospital under the eye of security cameras. The artcile talks about our country not being able to provide good psychiatric care for people who arent able to afford the luxuries of the insurance. It goes on to say that there is just no where to put the patients.
In the article it states "Public hospitals across the country have struggled to provide acute psychiatric care to the poor and uninsured since the early 1960's." I agree with this because its true not only has the country struggled with psychiatric care, but regular care and even in nusing homes. The country is always trying to advertise that we need to take good care of our health but how is that even possible? When we live in a country that cant even provide a decent health insurancce to psychiatric patients just because they are undocumented. This brings me back to an article I read about a bill being passed that illegal students can pay instate tuition in the state of Illinois. If students in that state can get away with education there then why isn't something like that happening for the whole country.
Psychiatric neglect to me is ridiculous. Why is the country outcasting people who aren't able to afford the benefits of health insurance. They shouldn't be left out of being able to recieve the same kind of care as people with insurance.
People in psychiatric hospitals with no insurance recieve the same treatment as people in regular health care, which makes no sense. Mentally Ill people if anything deserve more attention. Not just be thrown into different categories because they have no insurance. It seems like the hospitals mostly care about the people who are coming with the money. They don't really care about the well being of others. With all the money hospitals are supposeably making they should use that to open up new psychiatric hospitals.
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